...with Earth day a week today! Over the next week we will be giving youtips on how you can become greener with your lifestyle and, of course,fashion..

This year's theme, "A Billion Acts of Green", represents the millions of people that have done billions of acts of changing their lives to live more sustainably.
Facts about Earth Day!
- It was started 41 years ago by Senator Gaylord Nelson who was concerned that theenvironment was not on the political agenda!
- More than 20 million demonstrators took part in the first event
- Celebrated by more than 500 million people all around the world! Will you be oneof them?
- Some people prepare for the event weeks in advance with different events leading up to Earth day!

So what can you do?
Recycle, re-use and walk as much as possible!!
You could get your friends and families involved, by having parties where you remake old garments into new garments and accessories. Not only will you be helping the environment but you may also end up with some gorgeous new editions to your wardrobe.

We shall be keeping you posted with videos, interviews and interesting facts over the week to get you involved...