Although we have our Ethical Directory, filled with great links to resources, businesses and freelancers, why not take advantage of a slightly different way to promote yourself on the Offset Warehouse site?
Make a fun video of yourself reviewing books or articles you have read!
We're looking for your comments on articles and books related to ethical fashion & interiors - and the best part? We'll publish it along with your name and any other credit you'd like, such as your business name or website address!

If you don't want to record it on your own, why not get your friends involved!
All you need to include is the title and author of the book you have read, a little bit of info: If you enjoyed it or not and why?
Once you have submitted your review to info(@) we will upload it to our website, for all to see! Not only will you have your five minutes minutes of fame, but you will also be helping all the people who use the resources section for revision, essays, business matters and more!
Excited? You should be!
Here is an example of a video review... Watch it and have a go at recording your own!