Good evening!
To everyone who received my email earlier today, I’m overwhelmed by the number of you who not only took the time to vote, but also took the time to write lovely messages back to me! THANK YOU. I was truly touched. The past few weeks has been particularly stressful with the change in our systems and changes to our warehouses, but your messages made me feel all the hard work is worth it and I am filled with renewed energy and spirit!
For those of you who might have missed my email (and therefore have no idea what I’m talking about!), please could I ask a huge favour of you this evening and ask you to nominate Offset Warehouse for the Observer Ethical Awards:
As some of you know (and will remember!), Offset Warehouse began life as an against-the-odds start up. I worked from my front room building the dream of a place to source small quantities of ethical fabrics - and I can’t believe how far we’ve come!
It has by no means been easy and we may be a small team, but we now offer hundreds of ethical fabrics, in fashion-forward styles to anyone who wants to create beautiful, sustainable products. Incredibly, we stock the biggest range of ethical textiles in the UK, and all of our products either benefit the people who make them, the people who handle them or the planet - and usually, all three.
If you like what we do and what we stand for, I’d be absolutely honoured if you would take thirty seconds to vote for Offset Warehouse for this year’s Observer Ethical Awards!
Thank you so much for your continued amazing support, and for taking the time to help us.
Best wishes,
Charlie If you love fabrics like we do, then sign up for monthly updates!